Openbravo's User Experience Lab
GUI design, ERP Usability and Visual Design

Embed Timetric data-as-a-service in Openbravo 3

Friday, March 25, 2011

Imagine having access to over 3,000,000 statistics from official sources such as The World Bank and the Office for National Statistics that are always up-to-date. From Amazon cloud spot prices through Spanish unemployment figures to household internet access stats in Korea: It´s all publicly available on Timetric, a UK based Data-as-a-Service provider startup. Timetric aggregates the world's economic data from the best public sources and turns it into interactive charts.

These charts can give tremendous insight and help businesses make better decisions. But data alone is not enough: In these times of data obesity picking the appropriate sources, converting the incoming data into a digestible format and viewing it in the context of your internal data is as important as the data itself. Here is where the Openbravo 3 Workspace offers a solution. Workspace widgets let the user monitor internal as well as external data together in one place.

To embed the charts into Openbravo widgets you need to choose a chart on the Timetric site and click the embed button. Adjust the settings (key, design) if needed and then paste the html code in a User Defined HTML Widget on the Openbravo Workspace. The images below depict the steps to take.

FIG.1: Pick a data source on and click the Embed button

FIG.2: Adjust settings and copy the HTML code

FIG.3: Add a User Defined HTML Widget to your workspace

FIG.4: Paste the code in the User Defined HTML Widget. Set height accordingly.

FIG.5: The Timetric chart will now be displayed in the widget

FIG.6: Some more widgets. Notice how internal and external data meet at the Openbravo workspace.

You can create your own Timetric chart by simply uploading an Excel sheet and there is a REST-based API to allow interaction with other applications. It would be great if someone in our community were to build an Openbravo-Timetric connector. This would allow us to publish Openbravo ERP data as a chart anywhere on the web.